Friday, February 28, 2014

Liberty: Compromised

The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Our liberty has been compromised.  No, this didn't happen overnight; it has been a slow, methodical takeaway by what used to be an invisible force that some of us knew was there, but could never quite put our finger on it.  Until now.

The "voice of the people" is weak, faded, broken, ignored.  The vote doesn't seem to matter anymore, not when judges legislate from the bench.  The courts tell us what the law is, or what it means, how it is matter the outcome of the vote of the people.

Never mind trying to educate yourself on the topic at hand, or the candidate running for office.  Both parties seem to have the same goal(s).  Socialist wolves in sheep's clothing.

Our government is no longer working for us.  Congress votes themselves a raise, then tell us how we are to be taxed.  When we finally have the intestinal fortitude to speak up, the grievances we make fall on deaf ears.

Our legislative branch has run amuck.  It has lost its power, its purpose.  It has no direction; nor has it a moral compass.  Those who cry foul are instantly outcasts, shunned from the herd.

The executive branch has become one of tyranny; suspending or delaying, enforcing illegally written laws as it sees fit.  Who needs the legislative branch anyway?  They're too busy investigating the numerous scandals, chasing the invisible force down an infinitely deep rabbit hole.

"We the people" have become immune.  Over the recent years, we have allowed the morals and principles that historically defined our once great nation as "the land of opportunity" to be slowly replaced with shameful, perverted ideals that had been considered immoral for thousands of years, since the beginning of time - all at the sound of applause.

The threat of tyranny is no more.  It is no longer looming just over the horizon.  It is here.  And it is not hiding.  Tyranny has taken over.  It has taken over our banks, our educational institutions, the auto industry, the media, our government, etc.  Look around.  It has opened our borders; weakened our economy and military, our security and defenses.

Tyranny is here; therefore liberty must go.  For it is impossible that the two coexist.

Once liberty has finally vanished into the night, so will our rights.  Our once sacred Constitution - meaningless, gone.  Freedom of speech, right to bear arms, state's rights, etc. - "liberated."

Like a thief in the night, this socialist, evil, tyrannical ideology, that past generations have fought and sacrificed to protect us from, has crept into our homes, our schools, courtrooms, capitol buildings.  It is a deadly virus.

Tyrannical monarchy is not the "hope and change" this country needs, but neither is anarchy.  The American people MUST insist on turning back to the Constitution, the "law of the land" for the last 200+ years, the protector of our God-given liberties.

Will the people of this country seek out once again their moral standing, their religious virtues?

“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” (Benjamin Franklin)

Will those who have sworn the "oath of office" realize that they made a covenant, not a contract, with the [people]?

Somehow, we, as Americans, must get this runaway, derailed train back on track.  Our government exists to serve us, not visa versa.

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